The perfect storm

We have been writing narrative stories, we did a story about a storm because there was a big storm at my school. Here is my writing.

One beautiful afternoon my dad, mum, and I were lying down on the couch. We were watching the news at my house then we noticed there was a storm. We didn’t think much about it at first, then the next minute our power cut out. We saw a dark cloud approaching our way. We were outside when we saw a tornado. It was actually coming towards us and we went inside the house terrified.

Our power came back on for a bit. On one news, they said we needed to evacuate. Big storms and a tsunami were headed our way. We looked outside one more time and we saw a huge wave coming towards us. Mum said “Hang on to something PJ”, so I did. The wave came crashing over us and we got separated from each other.

The wind was so strong, and then all I heard was the thunder right above me. I heard the sirens go off and I saw damaged buildings being eaten up by the sea. I ran over there to see if my mum or dad were soon as i got there i saw houses burning slowly.

I looked behind me and saw my parents walking toward me.  Suddenly I saw a big wave coming towards us I said to “take cover mum and dad” they didn’t hear because of how loud the thunder was the wave swept them they got pulled.  Hail started to fall from the big dark cloud it was terrifying. Some big wind forced me to the ground I had blood all on my face. I wish we would’ve taken the storm news seriously. then I woke up it was just a bad dream phew! the end


i wish i wouldve writen more or add more puncuation i really enjoyed writing this story.

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